Q: Is my real estate property tax assessment too high? i.e. Am I overassessed?
- Click the OVERASSESSED tab and we will usually respond within a few hours, or feel free to Contact us at 914-816-2700 for a free consultation to determine if you are overassessed. A quick phone call will help us determine if you are paying too much.
Q: How much do you charge to reduce my property taxes?
Unlike some competitors, There are absolutely NO UPFRONT FEES, nor reimbursements for fees expended. If we win, you pay us a ONE-TIME FEE OF 55% OF YOUR FIRST YEAR'S REDUCTION. PERIOD. The 55% is of the first years tax savings only. All subsequent savings are 100% yours. The fee is due only after you receive proof that your assessment has been reduced. For example, if we reduce your taxes by $1,000 per year for say 15 years - a total savings of $15,000, your fee would be $550.
Q: Who pays for filing fees, appraisal fees, legal fees or any other fees that may become necessary to challenge the real estate tax assessment?
We pay all the fees! There are no upfront or hidden fees and you pay nothing if we do not save you money.
Q: In the course of trying to reduce my property taxes, Can my property taxes be increased as a result of your representation?
No. Let me repeat, NO. New York law does not allow an assessment to be increased even if a hearing officer determines your property is worth significantly more than your assessment.
Q: Are the property tax savings retroactive?
Typically, the savings are only moving forward and not retroactive. Occasionally, where the assessment process is slowed due to court backlog or other factors, in the event the reduction is obtained after the tax in question has already been paid, there may be a refund due to overpayment.
Q: What are my chances of successfully reducing my property tax assessment?
As with all aspects of life, nothing is guaranteed. Careful and diligent preparation however is critical in increasing the likelihood of success and increasing the amount of the reduction. That is why it is crucial to select a representative who will be thorough in all aspects of your case. Many "mill" companies spend little to no effort on your case and have turned the tax appeal industry into a quantity over quality game. Don't make that mistake. Check out our BLOG for specific cases of varied results between us and the competition on the very same house.
Q: If you are successful in reducing my tax assessment, won't my property taxes continue to go up every year anyway?
This really is one of our most frequently asked questions! YES! Your taxes will likely continue to climb even if we are successful in reducing your tax assessment, however, YOUR SAVINGS REMAIN INTACT. Here is the simplest way to visualize it. If we reduce your tax assessment by 10%, even though the tax rate is likely to go up, your annual taxes will still be 10% less than otherwise, since your base tax assessment has been reduced by 10%. In fact, as the tax RATES climb, the ASSESSMENT reduction that we achieve on your behalf becomes even more valuable.
Q: What if I miss the deadline to challenge my real estate tax assessment?
There are NO EXTENSIONS. If you miss the deadline, your right to challenge the assessment is extinguished and you forfeit your right to file a petition for judicial review.
Q: When is the deadline to challenge my property tax assessment?
For most counties in New York, the deadline is either in May or June - except villages which typically have a deadline in february. Westchester County for instance is in June. Rockland, Putnam, Orange, Dutchess etc is in May. Cities such as White Plains and Yonkers also have different deadlines - For White Plains, the filing deadline is in January, and for Yonkers the filing deadline is in November. Regardless, it does not hurt to sign up early - the more time we have to prepare, the better.
Q: I already save money on my property taxes due to an exemption (such as the Basic or Senior STAR Exemption)- does it still pay to challenge my tax assessment?
Any exemptions you have will be UNAFFECTED by the tax assessment challenge. If we successfully reduce your assessment, the resulting savings will be in ADDITION to whatever savings you receive due to your exemption.
Q: Can I appeal my property taxes every year?
Yes. Savvy owners often attack their assessment multiple times. Even if youve already challenged your assessment in the past, due to fluctuating ratio's, level of assessments and other things your not expected to understand, your assessment may still be out of whack. Think of it as a wheel alignment. If you go for a wheel alignment, you might be fine for a year or two (or 5), but you may at some point need to challenge your assessment again. Feel free to call us for a quick assessment review to detemrine if it is worth pursuing.
Q: What counties do you challenge real estate taxes in ?
While most of work covers Westchester County, and the Hudson Valley, we can cover any jurisdiction in New York State including Rockland County, Putnam County, Orange County, Dutchess, Suffolk County, etc.
Q: Why Chose AAA Property Tax Appeal over the competition?
AAA Property Tax Appeal, LLC is operated by competent and dedicated professionals to vigorously defend your rights. Check out our BLOG for specific cases of varied results between us and the competition on the very same house. AAA is operated by Aaron Cohen, a New York Tax Certiorari Attorney who has been a Real Estate Broker/agent for nearly twenty years. He is also currently a member of the Westchester-Putnam MLS, Rockland County Board of Realtors, the Greater Hudson Valley MLS, as well as the New York State and American Bar Associations. He has a wealth of experience in the field of real estate property tax protests and real estate valuation. Furthermore, unlike many of the competitior "mills", Aaron Cohen, Esq attends the hearing personally on your behalf.